Budget Committee - Minutes (Final)

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Approved:  ___MJK 9/22/16___________



MAY 19, 2016

Present: Marylou LaFleur-Keane, Chairman; Dave Fiorentino, Vice Chairman; Mary Frambach; Virginia Drew; Ralph Weeks; Joni Kitson; Joyce Heck; Penny Graham; Joanne Randall; Gary Kitson, Water District Representative; Hugh Curley, Selectmen’s Representative; Nancy Wheeler, substitute Recording Secretary

Absent: Bill Yeaton, School Board Representative – attending AREA meeting

Marylou called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM.

Ralph made a motion to retain the current officers: Marylou as Chairman and Dave as Vice Chairman.  Joyce seconded the motion.  Hugh made a motion to close nominations which Ralph seconded.  The motion to retain the current officers passed.

The minutes of February 6, 2016 were reviewed. The adjournment time was corrected to 12:15 pm, and the spelling of “motion” was corrected in the 6th paragraph.  Virginia made a motion to approve the minutes of February 6, 2016 as amended.  Ralph seconded.  The motion passed.

Marylou passed around the email list and asked members to review and update as needed.

Marylou distributed the Trustee of Trust Funds Report for April 30, 2016. Ralph asked why the School Technology Fund had not been closed per the warrant article passed in March.  Marylou said the school had not yet asked for the funds.

Marylou asked for a volunteer to serve as the Committee’s representative to BCEP. Mary called Penny, who had not yet arrived at the meeting, to find out if she would be willing to continue as the rep.  Penny agreed to continue.  Marylou will ask Kelly to type up appointment papers for Penny.

Hugh presented some significant issues that are or will be impacting the operating budget. He explained that the Town is in the process of selecting a new property and liability insurance carrier, because Property-Liability Trust, the current carrier, can no longer issue insurance after June 30, 2016.  The two proposals that the Town has received – from Primex and Traveller’s – are significantly more than the current premium.  The proposal amounts are $55,000 and $69,000, and the budgeted amount is $46,000.

Hugh said that a sixth police officer was hired and started the Academy in December, but the fifth officer resigned in January. The Police Chief would like to hire a person to attend the Academy class beginning in August.  The Board of Selectmen is discussing whether to fill the position or not.  There was discussion of the issue of finding and keeping employees.  Hugh said that the use of overtime should decrease once the new graduate has completed his field training.

Hugh said the Town is working with FEMA to utilize $106,000 of available FEMA funds to do a drainage project on New Orchard Road. The Town’s match could be “in kind” as well as monetary. The Echo Valley Farm Road bridge replacement is on track to be completed this year.  Hugh told the Committee that the bids for the North Road project were in and the low bidder was Pike at $448,158.

Marylou asked about the expenditure on the Contingency line and Nancy explained that the furnace at the Police Station had to be replaced unexpectedly.

Marylou asked if the Fire Department has any issues. Hugh said there was a fire truck that might need repair work on the transmission.  Hugh said the new billing company was doing well and that the Drug Forum went well.

Joyce asked if there was any work planned for the Suncook River. Hugh said there is a stabilization project in the works to protect the banks and the area near the Route 4 bridge.  Hugh also explained that DES has been testing wells in the area of the Circle for Mtbe contamination.  Based on the results of the testing, there may be some Federal funds available to extend the Water District lines toward the Circle.  Gary said the lines may be extended to the TD Bank building.

Virginia asked about the warrant article funds for Milfoil control. The appropriation is shown on line 01-4335.1-390.

There were some questions asked about whether or not the wage increases included in the budget had been given. Hugh explained the Selectmen’s intention of having a portion of the increase based on merit.  Discussion continued about the process.  Marylou suggested individual members attend the Selectmen’s meetings if they had questions or concerns.

Mary asked about the Highway Equipment Repair line. Hugh said cutting edges, etc. were purchased for the grader.  Mary asked about the Highway Building Repair and Maintenance line.  Hugh said Gordon is still working on the shed and office.  Dave asked if the cement floor had been poured yet.  Hugh said Gordon was holding off on that expenditure.

Gary gave an update on the Village District. He said the rehab work went well.  Penny commented on the improved appearance of the tank.

Marylou said the next meeting would be September 14th.  At that time they would review the school report card.  She requested that the Town expenditures to date report be emailed to her the week before the meeting.

Gary told Hugh he had heard a comment about adding on to the Old Town Hall and asked if there was any information about that. Hugh said no, there has been no discussion about that.

Gary asked Marylou if there was any information about the AREA meeting that Bill was attending tonight. General discussion of the issues related to high school and the AREA agreement ensued.

Hugh made a motion to adjourn and Joanne seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Wheeler

Substitute Recording Secretary