Budget Committee - Minutes (Final)

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Present: Marylou LaFleur-Keane, Chairman; Dave Fiorentino, Vice Chairman; Gary Kitson, Water District Representative; Virginia Drew; Joyce Heck; Hugh Curley, Selectmen’s Representative; Ralph Weeks; Joni Kitson; Joanne Randall; Mary Frambach.

Not in Attendance: Penny Graham; Bill Yeaton, School Board Representative

Other Attendees: Nancy Wheeler

Marylou opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

Minutes of September 22, 2016.  The minutes of September 22, 2016 were reviewed and amended.

Ralph motioned to approve the minutes of September 22, 2016 as amended, Virginia seconded the motion. The motion passed with one abstention. 


Hugh noted the trees are being removed at Webster Park, approximately 92 trees will be removed. There were three contractors who bid on the project with two contractors coming in even. The third company bid $2,500.00 to remove the trees.   He noted the big pines along the beginning of the road. Hugh noted a mixture of trees will be replanted. He thought $5,000.00 was in the budget for the replanting of the trees.

Hugh reviewed the proposed budget for 2017. Hugh noted the Town budget was increasing by approximately $100,000.00. Some of the increase is due to salaries with the majority being from BCEP. This is the first increase for BCEP in many years. He noted that user fees had been discussed with a determination to not increase them.

Hugh noted that the amount of the lease has increased. Hugh noted that a secretary had left. He noted they had reallocated duties with increasing the duties for Kelly. He noted she would be learning the assessing process. He noted that one or two-part time people would be employed. The financial administrator’s duties and salary have been increased. Money for the full-time secretary’s benefits have been removed from the budget.

The property insurance costs were higher last year with an increase there.

There is an increase for the Town Clerk, with the raise being for two years. Ralph was concerned with salary increases for the elected positions. Dave noted it is an elected position and if the current Town Clerk does not get reelected then the new person would get the salary in the budget. Virginia asked if the Clerk’s hours had expanded, Hugh noted they did not. Virginia asked if any of the increase was merit, Hugh noted it was not. Hugh noted that some of the increase would be at the beginning of the year with the remaining amount after an evaluation mid-year.

Virginia asked about obtaining new ballot booths, Hugh indicated they were not included in the budget. The issues with the booths was discussed. Mary suggested that new lighter boxes be made for storage of the current booths. Ralph noted that many areas only used the cardboard dividers.

Nancy noted that the auditing firm locked in the rate for three years so the amount budgeted was decreased.

There is $16,720.00 for revaluation of property. Mary asked if that is one/fifth of the total cost. It was noted it was one/fourth of the total cost for data verification. It was noted that a different company doing the assessing.

The health insurance has increased by $14,090.00. Ralph asked if the health insurance covered the elected employees. He was told the Town voted many years ago, to cover them. Nancy noted that the number is based on the current enrollment. She said the number may change if people choose a different plan. Ralph asked if any of the plans could be considered a Cadillac plan. Hugh noted that the higher end plan could be considered a Cadillac plan, but no changes are anticipated until 2020.

Ralph asked about the increase in the equipment line for the Planning Board. Betsy noted it was for a new computer. Mary asked about the increase in the Professional Services line, Betsy noted that with the update of the Master Plan the Town needs to develop an Economic Development Committee. The money is for expenses for this and using an expert for assistance.

It was noted the budget for the Board of Adjustment had decreased.

Hugh noted the salary for the Police Chief was increased. Ralph noted that 17% of the population of the Town is 67 or over with no increase in Social Security for four years. This year there will be a small increase (.5%). He noted that Medicare is also increasing.

Dave asked if consideration had been taken with performance. Hugh noted that no one was happy with the loss of the 6th officer. Ralph suggested paying the existing officers more, including the overtime, would bring the officers up that would aid in retention. Virginia noted that one of the realities is people do not want to go into Police work. She noted the State Police are also down in numbers.

It was noted the Chief did not receive an increase last year with the officers receiving fifty cents in 2016. (Note: see correction in November 30, 2016). Nancy discussed that in 2015 the Budget Committee put $25,000.00 in the budget for the Police raises. This amount was not allocated until 2016. The Chief did not receive an increase until 2016.

Hugh discussed that half of the costs for a new vehicle was in the budget with the remaining costs from the 2017 budget.

For the officers a seventy-five-cent increase has been added to the budget. Hugh noted that it would be split throughout the year. There is a reduction in the overtime that is not required this year. $20,000.00 was put in the part-time spot, with the hopes that someone with training may be able to fill the position.

There is a fifty cent/hour increase for the assistant.

There were reductions in the heat and electric lines.

There is a seventy-five cent/hour raise for the Firemen. There is an increase for the part-time chief as well.

The collection costs were removed per voting last year. The dispatch line has been increased.

Nancy noted the retirement costs for the employer will increase as of July 1, 2016, the increases are: 1.88% for Group I employees; 11.56% for the Police Department; 9.36% for the Fire Department; 10.7% for the teachers.

Hugh noted increases for repairs at the Fire Department building, some of which were generated by an insurance inspection.

Funds from the Morrison Fund interest will be used to replace the furnace at the Fire Department.

Hugh noted that the Road Agent position has a slight increase. Mary asked the hourly increase for the Road Agent. Hugh noted it was done on an annual basis as he is salaried, not hourly.

There was no increase for the Highway Department employee as there was a substantial increase last year. The Road Agent asked for a part-time person with the BOS asking for more information as to what the person would be doing.

The striping line added to the Highway Department budget was discussed.

Joyce asked about the increase in the Highway/Street Maintenance. Hugh noted that the Road Agent has asked for an increase.

Nancy noted that the Road Agent commented to her that he would be completing grading later this week.

Joni noted the telephone costs has gone down as a different company.

The public hearing for the BCEP will be December 8.

The increase for the Welfare Director’s salary was noted. The Welfare budget was noted.

The costs for the repairs at Webster Park were discussed. Hugh noted that the small pavilion and the fences for the baseball field were not included with the new company. He noted the Town is appealing the insurance payment.

Hugh noted that the Conservation Commission has asked for money to produce maps of the trails, etc.

Virginia noted the overall Town budget has a 3.1% increase. She noted that the SAU portion of the budget will increase 10%. It was discussed the SAU was proposing a new position at a cost of between $124,000 to $140,000.00. This budget was discussed with members noting they have no control of the budget. Marylou noted it is not for Special Education or Pembroke Academy increases.

Ralph noted the new position is Curriculum Development with it being noted all schools within the district have curriculum development positions. Ralph noted he is contacting the State representatives for unfunded mandates.

The School Budget presentation was discussed. It was also noted that there are contract negotiations this year also.

Hugh discussed the Warrant Articles they currently have. It was noted each department may have articles to be submitted.

Nancy suggested if members have questions for various department heads could they submit them early. Marylou asked for questions to be submitted through her.

Dave motioned to adjourn, Joanne seconded the motion. The motion passed. Marylou adjourned the meeting at 8:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Bosiak, Recording Secretary