Budget Committee - Minutes (Draft)

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 22, 2016



SEPTEMBER 22, 2016

Present: Marylou LaFleur-Keane, Chairman; Dave Fiorentino, Vice Chairman; Gary Kitson, Water District Representative; Virginia Drew; Penny Graham; Bill Yeaton, School Board Representative; Joyce Heck; Hugh Curley, Selectmen’s Representative; Ralph Weeks; Joni Kitson; Joanne Randall

Not in Attendance: Mary Frambach

Other Attendees: Patrick Connors, Epsom Central School Principal; Gail Paudi, SAU 53; Nancy Wheeler

Marylou opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

Minutes of May 19, 2016

The minutes of May 19, 2016 were reviewed.

Joanne motioned to approve the minutes of May 19, 2016, Dave seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


Mr. Connors reviewed the Epsom Central School Report Card.

Mr. Connors noted that they have a significant increase in Kindergarten (57), Second Grade (63) with approximately 451 students registered at the school. Pembroke Academy enrollment was overspent last year (-$30,000.00 +/-).

Mr. Connors noted they have continued the Math Club with the students doing well with the competitions. They also have band and music.  Mr. Connors noted the size of the classes.  There are approximately 24 to 25 students in each section of the Seventh Grade Class.

The staffing has remained consistent over the years. Title 1 compensation has been reduced.  The Title 1 teachers are only working four days a week to save funds.

The school has not received State comparisons for Smarter Balance testing. The schools in the SAU are using the STAR Assessment with Mr. Connors noting the score comparisons with the SAU schools.  Mr. Connors has discussed the math scores with other schools to find a way to increase the math scores.


Mr. Connors discussed the 2015-16 School Budget.

Mr. Connors noted that last year they had several Special Education Students. He discussed the things that the school did to save money.  They included less supplies purchased, not hiring substitutes, staff shoveling snow, etc.  He noted the PTO assisted with payment of many items and people donated other items.

Mr. Connors noted equipment purchased. He noted spring athletics had to pay with EYAA assisting families that were unable to pay.

The teachers and support staff did not use their in-service/course reimbursement funds and returned those funds to the school.

Mr. Connors noted they installed cameras in blind spots on school grounds.

The number of children at Pace Academy decreased this year.

Penny asked if teachers did not do in-service or did they give it back. Mr. Connors noted they did both, also looking for free courses or paying for the courses themselves, etc.

Virginia asked about tuition revenue, Mr. Connors noted that no one paid tuition to come to Epsom Central last year, they have one student paying tuition this year.

Penny clarified that last year’s contracts were for one year, asking how negotiations are going this year. No one was aware at this time.

Virginia asked if Epsom would be receiving money from the lawsuits. Dr. Paudi did not know.  Ralph asked if the school would be receiving any further monies for unfunded mandates.  No one was aware if we would.

Virginia asked if a teacher retires and a new teacher is hired and had experience would they be hired at the step comparable to their experience. Mr. Connors indicated they were.  Mr. Connors discussed last year’s retirements and potential retirements in 2017.


Hugh discussed the Expenditures to Date. He noted the Departments are approximately where they should be.

Hugh noted the wind event at Webster Park on September 14.

Hugh noted the property insurance was switched to Travelers. It was the lower of the two estimates received by the Town.

Virginia commented that there are things that are paid later in the year that still have 100% on the lines.

Penny asked under Revaluation of Properties, if the town is switching companies. Hugh said they are as of the first of the year.  it would save a great deal of money.

Joanne asked the current legal counsel, Hugh noted the Mitchell Group.

Penny asked about lines that have zero amounts in them, are they going to go away in the future. Nancy noted if there is zero on a line and there is money elsewhere in the budget it could be spent for that line.  It was noted that if a line is deleted, it is difficult to bring it back.

Joanne asked which buildings were included in General Government Buildings, Hugh noted the Town Hall, Old Library, Meeting House and the Town Office.

Ralph asked if the Police Department was getting a new vehicle this year. Hugh noted that they are going to purchase one in January to put some funds in this year’s budget and some in next year’s budgets to save money.

The roof repairs at the Police Department were discussed. Marylou asked if the Police Department was at full staff.  Hugh noted the last officer hired is in the Academy.

Hugh noted that utility costs have been lower than expected saving money on those lines.

Ralph noted as a result of the wind event, Emergency Management has equipment he was never aware the Town had. Hugh noted that there was equipment that is shared by the Police, Fire and Emergency Management Departments.  It is stored in the trailer.

The insurance reimbursement due to the wind event was discussed. Hugh noted that the insurance will cover the cost of the removal of the trees on the road and off the roof of the pavilion.  It will not cover the removal of the trees after they are off the road or in other areas. The Town is discussing the situation with a forester.

Penny noted that last year the Budget Committee had reduced the Emergency Management Training line with the Selectmen increasing it. She noted it has not been used.  Hugh indicated the person has been very busy.

4312.4-310 – It was noted the Engineering was for the Echo Valley Bridge. It was discussed that the bridge is being replaced with 80% State funds.

Joyce commented they should be receiving the revenues also. Nancy noted they receive these in December.

Penny asked about the paving of North Road. Nancy noted that part of the funds will come from Capital Reserve and some from the budget.  Penny noted that she had talked to Gordon and he was doing additional paving due to less money spent for snow removal last winter.  It was noted he would be paving New Rye Road.

The Federal funds for New Orchard Road were discussed. Gary asked if the Selectmen, not the Department Heads move the money from line to line.  Hugh noted that the Department Heads will do it within their budgets.  If it has to come from another Department, then the Selectmen weight in on the expenditures.  Penny asked if there is a major overage in a line do the Department Heads discuss it with the Selectmen.  Hugh said sometimes.

Ralph asked about Highway Department Equipment Maintenance. He noted it is over substantially.  Hugh noted most of it was for the grader.  He noted Gordon noted the offset is the not hiring of an outside grader to complete the work.

Penny asked about the water budgets being increased, which was due to the increase in water costs. The water costs were discussed.  Nancy noted the Fire Department has allowed a private company to use water from their building.  They pay the Department directly for this usage.

Joanne noted the Welfare costs are decreased. Hugh noted the Parks Budget would be adjusted in the next couple of months.

Marylou discussed the proposed Budget Committee budget for 2017.

Ralph motioned to keep the Budget Committee budget for 2017 the same as 2016, Gary seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Marylou discussed the proposed November meetings. It was agreed to have the Town present its budget on Tuesday, November 15.  Nancy noted the last day for the Budget Committee Public Hearing is January 17.  The last day for petition warrant articles is January 10.  Marylou scheduled the Public Hearing for January 12.

Marylou indicted Tuesdays and Thursdays should be reserved after Thanksgiving for meetings.

Gary passed around Water District tank renovations pictures.

Dave motioned to adjourn, Hugh seconded the motion. The motion passed.  Marylou adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Bosiak

Recording Secretary